Saturday, December 12, 2009

Coughing Causes More Condition_symptoms Repeated Coughing Causes Emphysema. Why This Reduce The Amount Of Oxygen That Can Be Absorbed Into The Blood?

Repeated coughing causes emphysema. why this reduce the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed into the blood? - coughing causes more condition_symptoms

Recurrent coughing caused emphysema. Explain why it reduces the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed into the blood?


Matt A said...

Cough does not cause emphysema. 95% of patients with pulmonary emphysema, since one smokes. Smoking causes emphysema. Emphysema and smoking causes coughing.

The small amount of oxygen can be absorbed into the blood because smoking destroys air sacs in the lungs. They lose their elasticity and increasing the size and service area on the hard drive loss. The membrane between the alveoli thicken, and less porous. The loss of the service area and the thick membrane prevents the passage of oxygen into the blood.

neuregel... said...

Cough that does not cause emphysema. Emphysema caused by smoking and coughing repeatedly symtom emphysema.

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